Fruit Jellies

Fruit jellies in different shapes, different taste and different packaging. We have almost everything what you can get. Just ask!
Look at sweet products in our eshops – and Discover now the variety of possibilities to inspire your customers and potential new customers with sweet promotional jelly -gums for your brand and your products.

Jellies in standard bags
Jellies in standard bags Jellies in standard bags with the possibility of printing (your logo). Content: Jellies packed in advertising bags: choose your standard motif. Select colour: Merci, Sleep Well!, Sweet Dreams, Good Night, Welcome, Hello! Dimensions: approx. 90 x 70 mm Shelf life: 12 months Weight: 10 g

Jellies in standard bags

Jelly bears sugar-reduced in advertising bag
Jelly bears sugar-reduced in advertising bag Jelly bears sugar-reduced in advertising bag with the possibility of printing (your logo). Content: Mixed, sugar-reduced (- 30 %) jelly bears in personalized bag. Dimensions: approx. 90 x 70 mm Shelf life: 9 months Weight: 10 g Select imprint: 1-4 colour, CMYK Select colour: standard foil transparent, standard foil white Printable area: printing all over Printing method: flexo printing

Jelly bears sugar-reduced in advertising bag

Jellies standard shapes
Jellies standard shapes Jellies standard shapes with the possibility of printing (your logo). Dimensions: approx. 90 x 70 mm Shelf life: 12 months Weight: 10 g Filling: ice-bear Select imprint: 1-4 colour, CMYK, CMYK+white Select content: a lot of shapes Select colour: transparent foil, white foil Printable area: printing all over Printing method: flexo printing

Jellies standard shapes

Mini tetrahedron jelly bears
Mini tetrahedron jelly bears Mini tetrahedron jelly bears with the possibility of printing (your logo). Dimensions: approx. 60 x 75 mm Shelf life: 12 months Weight: 10 g Select content: jelly bears, heart, house, halloween mix, flower, football, bicyclist, Easter mix, hand, glasses and others Select colour: transparent foil, white foil Printable area: printing all over Printing method: flexo printing

Mini tetrahedron jelly bears

Jelly bears sour in advertising bag
Jelly bears sour in advertising bag Jelly bears sour in advertising bag with the possibility of printing (your logo). Dimensions: approx. 110 x 90 mm Shelf life: 12 months Weight: 20 g Select imprint: 1-4 colour, CMYK Select colour: Standard foil white, standard foil transparent Printable area: printing all over Printing method: flexo printing

Jelly bears sour in advertising bag

Jelly fruit salad sour in advertising bag
Jelly fruit salad sour in advertising bag Jelly fruit salad sour in advertising bag with the possibility of printing (your logo). Dimensions: approx. 110 x 90 mm Shelf life: 12 months Weight: 20 g Select imprint: 1-4 colour, CMYK Select colour: Standard foil white, standard foil transparent, 1-colour Printable area: printing all over Printing method: flexo printing

Jelly fruit salad sour in advertising bag

Jelly beans, ca. 10g, mini bag
Jelly beans, ca. 10g, mini bag Jelly beans, ca. 10g, mini bag with the possibility of printing (your logo). Content: Jelly beans Minimum order: 1000 pcs Best before: ca.12 months when stored properly Net weight: ca.10 g Packaging type: 500 pieces/carton Size: ca.70 x 70 mm Printing: digital printing

Jelly beans, ca. 10g, mini bag

Fruit Gum Hearts
Fruit Gum Hearts Fruit Gum Hearts with the possibility of printing (your logo). Description: Fruit gum hearts with 10 % fruit content from fruit juice concentrate, natural aroma and colouring plant extracts in a variety of colours and flavours. Packed in a transparent or white bag. Quality: 10 % fruit content from fruit juice concentrate, Own production Net weight: approx. 15 g Format: approx. 100 x 75 mm Best before: approx. 12 months with proper storage Packaging: 200 pieces/carton

Fruit Gum Hearts

Fruit Gum Standard Shapes
Fruit Gum Standard Shapes Fruit Gum Standard Shapes with the possibility of printing (your logo). Description: Fruit gum standard shapes with 10 % fruit content from fruit juice concentrate, natural aroma and colouring plant extracts in a variety of colours and flavours. Packed in a transparent or white bag. Quality: 10 % fruit content from fruit juice concentrate, own production Net weight: approx. 10 g, 15 g, 20 g Format: approx. 85 x 60 mm, 100 x 60 mm, 100 x 75 mm Best before: approx. 12 months (conventional foils & colours) | approx. 6 months (compostable foils & colours) Packaging: 200 pieces/carton, 500 pieces/carton

Fruit Gum Standard Shapes

Fruit jelly bio vegan bears
Fruit jelly bio vegan bears Fruit jelly bio vegan bears with the possibility of printing (your logo). Description: Content: Fruit jelly bio vegan 10g in transparent foil with approx. 10 g fruit jelly bio vegan bears (without gelatine), assorted colours and flavours Dimensions: 85 x 60 mm Shelf life: 12 months

Fruit jelly bio vegan bears

Turbo fruit jelly bears
Turbo fruit jelly bears Turbo fruit jelly bears with the possibility of printing (your logo). Description: Content: Fruit jelly in white foil, approx. 10 g fruit jelly Dimensions: 85 x 60mm Shelf life: 12 months

Turbo fruit jelly bears

Fruit jelly standard shapes
Fruit jelly standard shapes Fruit jelly standard shapes with the possibility of printing (your logo). Description: Content: Fruit jelly in transparent foil with approx. 10g fruit jelly Dimensions: 85 x 60mm Shelf life: 12 months

Fruit jelly standard shapes